Saturday, September 6, 2008

Sleepover With Bethany!

Left: H: reading in bed late hee hee!
Bottom: B: sleepoveras are fun!!

Below: awwwwwww!!!!

Left: B: mr. chin chin is sooooooo cute!

Left: Hello, this is Bethany's mother, and Bethany, you know you're not supposed to be climbing the fence!!!!
B: sorry mommy but i didnt fall off :-(

Left: zzzzzzz!

Left: B: climing trees is F-U-N!!! but the branches can hurt!!

Left: climbing the fence oops bye bye hannah=)

Left: B: I wat too go next hannah!!


Left: B: Today was realy fun but it is time for bed!!!

Hi again! yesterday my cousin Bethany flew in from North Carolina! She is four and really cute but sometimes annoying. =)- just kidding! Well anyway, here are some pictures of our "sleepovah", Aunt Michelle says.
Oh-gotta go! Bethany wants me to cut her waffle for her- sigh. Bye! Oh, and by the way, Bethany has something to add.
Love, Hannah
Hi im Bethany. I live in north carolin i want too have my own bog somday like hanah. oh time for brekfast were having wafles (i think i spelled something wrong :-( oops!!!) bye :-P

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