Saturday, September 6, 2008

Sleepover With Bethany!

Left: H: reading in bed late hee hee!
Bottom: B: sleepoveras are fun!!

Below: awwwwwww!!!!

Left: B: mr. chin chin is sooooooo cute!

Left: Hello, this is Bethany's mother, and Bethany, you know you're not supposed to be climbing the fence!!!!
B: sorry mommy but i didnt fall off :-(

Left: zzzzzzz!

Left: B: climing trees is F-U-N!!! but the branches can hurt!!

Left: climbing the fence oops bye bye hannah=)

Left: B: I wat too go next hannah!!


Left: B: Today was realy fun but it is time for bed!!!

Hi again! yesterday my cousin Bethany flew in from North Carolina! She is four and really cute but sometimes annoying. =)- just kidding! Well anyway, here are some pictures of our "sleepovah", Aunt Michelle says.
Oh-gotta go! Bethany wants me to cut her waffle for her- sigh. Bye! Oh, and by the way, Bethany has something to add.
Love, Hannah
Hi im Bethany. I live in north carolin i want too have my own bog somday like hanah. oh time for brekfast were having wafles (i think i spelled something wrong :-( oops!!!) bye :-P

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Redoing my bedroom- happy, happy, happy!

Left to right; top to bottom: Me with my new laptop, me, yummy breakfast cookie!


Ahem. On to a more pleasant subject.This weekend, my mother FINALLY let me redo my room. Okay, long story short- when I was little, I reeeaally liked bright orange and Care Bears. Sigh. So, I painted one wall white, one red, installed wood floor, and papered the other wall. In case you're wondering whatever happened to the fourth wall, there is none. The before-bonus room was divided in half and half for Kirsten, half for me. Kit has her own room (lucky!), andElizabeth and Felicity share one with a really tall canopy bed. This was a bad idea on my parents' part, because every time Felicity and Elizabeth listen to "Push It To the Limit",which is a lot, a certain girl whose name starts with H and loves to write gets to listen to "Thumpa-thumpa-thumpa" because this certain girl's room is directly above F and E's room. Off-subject. The photos above are of my beautiful room.

I'll post more photos later- see ya!

Love, Hannah =)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


We're getting a HORSE. That is, if we move to a farm. End of discussion!!!!

no unicorns on farms!

Unicorns don't live on farms, silly!
I want a unicorn.


Chickens? I want a pig!

a COW?

A COW? I want chickens.

what did my sister just say?

If we move into the country, we're not getting a horse! I want a cow!

Friday- horse movie, pizza, and pop!

Hey everybody!

Kirsten here! The reason Hannah (or any of us for that reason!) haven't been on blogging, is because Hannah, Elizabeth, and Mom went on a giant week-long Girl Scout trip. Mom says she's pooped. Anyway, here are some pics of Elizabeth and me having a movie night on Friday. We watched Black Beauty- it's so sad! I think it was a cool story, though. I love horses, but my mom says no way are we moving into the country just so we can get one. Blegh. Maybe someday, though. =)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Monday Part 2

Hello, back again! I finally got the picture icon to work(yay!) and thought I'd put some pictures of yesterday on here.

Monday Part 2

Hi again!

The photo thingy on this site is not working(sigh) so I will tell you more about my family.

  1. Mama- kind, loving and the best mama I could ever have(and makes good hot cocoa).
  2. Daddy- very high-tech. Has fixed every computer problem around my house to date, and very loving.
  3. Coconut- Coco is the best dog anyone could ever have. Once loyally defended me against 2 pitbulls her size.
  4. Licorice- Licorice is new from the pound. Her previous owners abused her and she still hasn't gotten used to our family yet.

Well, that's just about all I have to say. Will check back later and see if photo thingy is working so i can post photos. =)

Love, Hannah

Monday, August 4, 2008

Playing In Our Backyard

Today we played in the backyard. Mama brought us peanut butter sandwiches and bug juice. Felicity has the flu =( , Kit went to Nicki's birthday party, and Kirsten was taking a cooking class. (Mmmm.... now she can make us yummies!) So, Lizzy and I had the afternoon to ourselves. We swung on the swing, played in the bushes(but stopped when Mama said"scratch Lizzie with a poky branch" was not a good game to play), and laid on our backs and watched clouds go by. In case you do not know, I will explain to you about my family. Kirsten is the eldest, she is very wise and quiet. I am next, I am fun-loving and crazy. Next is Felicity, who is silly but sensible. Then Elizabeth, quite silly and definitely the baby of our family, even if she isn't the youngest. Finally is Kit, who is shy and cute. I will have to tell you about Mama and Daddy later, because Mama says it is my bedtime. Goodnight!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Hi, I'm back!

We went for the weekend to Salem, Oregon. We stayed in an RV park that was almost-almost-as good as a hotel. Here are some pictures:

Here I am standing by a waterfall on our hike on Saturday.

We stopped for lunch under a tree. Mmmm, fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies!

Here I am on Salem's downtown Carousel. Okay, I'm dizzy. Have to get off now!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Hi, I'm Hannah!

Hi, I'm Hannah and welcome to my blog! I am a ten-year old doll(And yes, I'm permanently 10) who loves to write, draw, read, and travel. I live with my four wonderful (but sometimes annoying) sisters- Kirsten, Felicity, Elizabeth, and Kit. I will probably be writing the most here on my blog, but they will probably add a few snippets of writing here as well. I will post more photos later- and, get this-Mama gave me a brand-new digital camera for my birthday in June-I can't wait to use it!!!! And, of course, please post comments!
